Logo del Gruppo Sportivo Dilettantistico Non Vedenti Milano ONLUS

Via Vivaio 7 - 20122 - Milano - Tel/Fax: 02 76004839

Email: info@gsdnonvedentimilano.org

Menu Principale / Main Menu

7° torneo "2 Torri"
Bologna (Italia)
05/02/2016 - 07/02/2016
In collaborazione con / In cooperation with
Istituto dei ciechi di Milano  Istituto dei ciechi Francesco Cavazza - Bologna.


Dear Showdown friends,

The Gruppo Sportivo Dilettantistico Non Vedenti Milano ONLUS is pleased to invite your representative to the VI Milano International Showdown Tournament, held at the Istituto dei Ciechi di Milano, Via Vivaio, 7 - Milano (Italy), 24 - 28 April, 2013.

Accommodation and breakfast will be at Hotel Roxy and Hotel Buenos Aires, located near the Institute for the Blind, where competitions will take place and where other meals will be served.

Free pick-up service from and to airports (Linate and Malpensa) will be available upon request.

Matches will be played on 6/7 tables, according the new IBSA Rules (in effect since 1 April 2013).

The structure of the playing system will give priority to the final placing of the top 30 men and top 30 women.

Applications should be sent to Alessandra Martinelli within 29 March 2013 alesmart@fastwebnet.it

Please complete the application form.

Fee per head: euro 290.00.

An additional ammount of euro 80.00 is due for a single room (on request).

Fees include meals and rooms (from Wednsday dinner to Tuesday breakfast).

Payments should be made within 29 March 2013 to:

Account Holder: G. S. D. Non Vedenti Milano ONLUS
Bank name: Banca Prossima
IBAN: IT57R0335901600100000004341

No later application will be taken in account.

The organizers commit themselves to return 100.00 Euro per participant giving up the event, provided that they will be notified in writing no later than 15 April 2013.

For further information please visit: www.gsdnonvedentimilano.org